Welcome to CN3 Lab!
Why NYU Neuroscience?
Surrounded by great institutions in the greater New York metropolitan area, there is a strong and growing experimental and computational neuroscience community at the NYU campus, including the Neuroscience Institute, Center for Neural Science, Department of Neuroscience & Physiology, and Department of Psychiatry. Learn more
Our Research
Our lab is interested in developing and applying new computational and engineering tools to decipher the mystery of brain functions. Our team of researchers has diverse research backgrounds: biomedical engineering, electrical engineering, neuroscience, physics, and computer science. We are also actively collaborating with experimental neuroscientists in various research projects… Learn more
Join our Lab
We are always seeking talented and motivated undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows with PhD or MD/PhD training. We are strongly committed to diversity for promoting underrepresented groups. In addition to full-time trainees, we also recruit short-term visiting students for summer projects. Learn more